Monday, June 30, 2008

The Journey Continues

Good morning, everyone. The past six months have been a journey of challenges and new (not necessarily wanted) experiences that caused me to put this blog on hold. If I had to choose the biggest lesson I've learned in 2008 (so far), it would come down to one word: priorities.

Many of you know that my husband was diagnosed with advanced liver disease in January and that we have spent the ensuing months traveling into Boston doing what needed to be done to get him on the liver transplant list. With strong support from family, friends and colleagues, we've learned much, laughed and cried a lot, and simply take one step on this journey each day.

In January, my priority was getting my new business started ( In February, this was no longer a priority so I chose to put the business on the back burner to focus my time and attention to being with my husband as we traveled this new life path together. He became my priority and we both breathed a sigh of relief in May when he was put on the transplant list.

Now one of my priorities is doing everything I can to help him maintain his health until the time for the transplant comes. Most of this, for me, involves totally redoing how I prepare meals, from changing cookware, eliminating the microwave, and shopping frequently so that our food is really fresh. Another priority is to take the time to walk with him as often as possible, and do other activities that are healthy for both of us. And a third priority is to make sure we spend as much time with our children and grandchildren as possible.

In another post, I will detail the many blessings we have received throughout this journey. For now, let me just say one of the biggest ones is the affirming of my belief that we live in an abundant universe that provides for us each day.

May your day be filled with laugh and laughter.