Sunday, August 24, 2008

Almost in my Own Backyard

I've been following my own advice and found great ways to celebrate the final weeks of summer. One warm day, my husband and I drove 10 minutes to a park in a neighboring town. My nephew had been a lifeguard at the beach there for years and told us what a great place it was. Somehow we were still surprised to find a beautiful, clean pond with a sandy beach. And, lots of trees and grass - important for me since I don't like spending too much time in the sun. The water was warm and the swimming great fun. I just can't believe this is the first time we've been there. It certainly won't be the last.

Yesterday we went back to the same town for its annual Waterfront Festival which we had attended in other years. But this year, we were with the grandkids and got to watch the Duck races and see them delight riding the race cars and the horses on the carousel. We perused the numerous booths, but I had more fun watching the boats in the harbor. Each year this festival provides us with different things to do.

We ended the day by going to an intriguing, new ice cream shop. It was in another nearby town and had just opened this summer. The people who own it have created a fascinating place to sit and eat their yummy ice cream. On the deck are an abundance of flowers, plants, and lime green tables and chairs. More seating places in the yard, ranging from colorful Adirondack chairs, to old-fashioned stools, white cast iron tables and chairs, to a life sized cow you can sit on. The shop is called "The Whole Scoop" but I call it "The Perfect Ice Cream Experience".

There is still one week left of summer and we plan to find new places to enjoy. Join us and get every moment of enjoyment this week and let me know what surprises you find in or near your own backyard.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer Sunset

I took this picture last week while we were in Maine. My husband and I were watching this gorgeous sunset and were surprised at how quickly the sun actually appears to go down.

This is the way I am feeling about the summer. Labor Day is only two weeks from today. How can that be? I have enjoyed this summer and yet there are so many things I thought I would do that I haven't.

For example, we took two of the grandchildren to the beach one day in June and I lamented the fact I didn't have a beach umbrella. I bought one - and haven't used it yet. The days and weeks have passed by without another trip to the beach. We have been on vacation with the family and it was wonderful. Yet that was one week out of ten. What happened to the other nine?

I just checked the weather forecast and it predicts sunny, warm days from Wednesday on. No more excuses. It's time for another trip to the beach. And this weekend is the annual Waterfront Festival in our area. I won't miss that.

What have you planned to do this summer and haven't done yet? Make plans, put them in writing on your calendar, and go for it. Don't let the sun set on your summer with regret for what you didn't do.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Are You Clear about How You Spend Your Money?

After talking about a fall vacation in the Adirondacks for months, my husband and I sat down at the computer to finalize the plan. We had agreed on a budget, the date, the general area and the fact we wanted to stay in a traditional Adirondack Lodge. "This is going to be easy", I thought. Two hours later, we had decided not to do this vacation - and both of us were happy about the decision.

It was an interesting process of getting really clear about what we wanted from this trip for each of us. We agreed on almost everything, but there were two differences. To him, it was important that we stay in a lodge that offered dinners on site. I didn't care about this so much as I really wanted the room to feel like my idea of "Adirondack lodge".

After much surfing and many phone calls, we realized that the number of lodges that offered dinner in the fall was limited. We did find one, but the only rooms available looked like those at a standard motel. We found another lodge with wonderful rooms, but it offered only breakfast. My first instinct was to go with the one that offered dinner. But then I realized that spending so much money for a week in a room that looked like a standard motel room didn't feel good. Just as staying in the perfect room but not having dinner in the lodge didn't feel good to Sandy.

So we decided not to go to the Adirondacks this September and both of us are comfortable with this decision. We still want to go some time, but it will be when we plan far enough ahead and find a time when more lodges serve meals every day and there are more rooms available that meet my standards. We both are happy that we decided to save our money for a vacation that will be everything that we both want it to be.

I learned two lessons from this experience. First, being really clear, even when it means disagreeing with someone close to you, is an important communication tool. Second, knowing that I am spending money on that which I really want is important to me.

I think we made a great decision to delay our vacation. What do you think?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Joys of Friendship - Part Two

An old saying tells us that "New friends are silver but old friends are gold." If you read yesterday's post, you know how much I value old friends. New friends to me are equally valuable. In fact, I'd put any and all good friends in the platinum category.

Last week my husband and I stayed in this lovely lake front home in Maine - a generous gift from Elaine, a new friend. She called it "house sitting" but I know she only said that so we would be comfortable taking her up on such a generous offer.

I met Elaine through my brother a couple of years ago. They were in the area and stopped by my home for lunch. Soon, the guys were forgotten as we began to talk...and talk... and talk. We are about the same age and share many common interests. We started an email friendship. I love getting her emails. She has a real gift for narrative and a great sense of humor. Our friendship expanded this winter when she was dealing with a serious medical challenge with her young granddaughter who had been attacked by a poisonous jelly fish and I was facing life changes due to my husband's illness.

We don't see each other often, but I know that she will be there if I need her...and I will be there for her, too. Isn't that what friendship's all about?

So, no matter your age or the busyness of your life, be on the look out for a new friend. Like love and joy, one can never have too many good friends.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The joy of friendships - Part One

When I look at this picture and see my friend Kathy reading to my youngest grandchild, memory brings me back more than 50 years. I was entering the 4th grade in a new school and so was she. Kathy had just moved into my neighborhood and soon we became friends, riding bikes, swimming, complaining about school, and starting our own "Polly Pigtails Club".

Who would have believed that more than five decades later, my old playmate would be reading to my grandson? Over the years, we went our separate ways, got married, had families, jobs, and lots of responsibilities. Every few years, we would reconnect and get together for lunch with some other childhood friends. We had such fun remembering old times and bringing each other up to date on our present lives.

This year Kathy was diagnosed with breast cancer. After years of participating in "Relay for Life" to support other cancer survivors and remember those who had passed on, Kathy was determined to participate again. And she did, with her husband, her adult children and grandchild and her sisters by her side. She has now had her last round of chemo and is doing surprisingly well.

I shouldn't say "surprisingly". Given the spirituality and joy with which she leads her life, I am not surprised at all. I am simply grateful...for her healing and for the times we have had together these past two months. It's too bad that it took a health challenge to remind me of the importance of spending time with friends. Now, the hour drive to her home seems so short and the time together so precious that I am committed to continue our adventures in friendship for many decades to come.

Is there an old friend in your life that you could like to connect with? Don't waste another minute. Pick up the phone now. If you don't have the phone number, go online and locate him or her today. No matter your age or stage in life, the value of old friends can never be underestimated.

Friday, August 1, 2008

An affordable alternative to a gym membership?

Good health, a key component of prosperity for me, requires regular exercise. I created a walking/hiking program that worked for me - until an old foot injury made me realize I needed to do something non-weight bearing for awhile. Swimming was the first thought so I went to price a membership at a local gym with a great pool. It was somewhat affordable, but I hesitated because I don't have a good history of actually using a gym once I join.

Following my own policy of not buying on impulse, I invoked my 48 hour rule (wait for two days to see if I really want to purchase something). In the meanwhile, I found a DVD I had purchased last summer called "Sit Down and Tone Up" from the Chair Dancing Series. I did the program which is more challenging than it first appeared. At the end were promotional blurbs for others in this series. I discovered that I could buy an aerobic one and a Yoga one - none of which required weight bearing.

So here's what I did (after 48 hours, of course). I purchased two new DVD's so I will have access to aerobic exercise, yoga and strength training without any impact of my foot. Together they cost far less than a month at the gym. I plan to use these for the month of August and, if I feel that they provide the exercise I want, skip the gym. If not, then I'll pay the membership fee to the gym and start swimming. Given that I don't want to commit to a monthly expenditure plus the fee, I have great motivation to make the DVD's work for me!

Keep checking back and I'll update you on my progress.