Monday, August 18, 2008

Summer Sunset

I took this picture last week while we were in Maine. My husband and I were watching this gorgeous sunset and were surprised at how quickly the sun actually appears to go down.

This is the way I am feeling about the summer. Labor Day is only two weeks from today. How can that be? I have enjoyed this summer and yet there are so many things I thought I would do that I haven't.

For example, we took two of the grandchildren to the beach one day in June and I lamented the fact I didn't have a beach umbrella. I bought one - and haven't used it yet. The days and weeks have passed by without another trip to the beach. We have been on vacation with the family and it was wonderful. Yet that was one week out of ten. What happened to the other nine?

I just checked the weather forecast and it predicts sunny, warm days from Wednesday on. No more excuses. It's time for another trip to the beach. And this weekend is the annual Waterfront Festival in our area. I won't miss that.

What have you planned to do this summer and haven't done yet? Make plans, put them in writing on your calendar, and go for it. Don't let the sun set on your summer with regret for what you didn't do.

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