Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The joy of friendships - Part One

When I look at this picture and see my friend Kathy reading to my youngest grandchild, memory brings me back more than 50 years. I was entering the 4th grade in a new school and so was she. Kathy had just moved into my neighborhood and soon we became friends, riding bikes, swimming, complaining about school, and starting our own "Polly Pigtails Club".

Who would have believed that more than five decades later, my old playmate would be reading to my grandson? Over the years, we went our separate ways, got married, had families, jobs, and lots of responsibilities. Every few years, we would reconnect and get together for lunch with some other childhood friends. We had such fun remembering old times and bringing each other up to date on our present lives.

This year Kathy was diagnosed with breast cancer. After years of participating in "Relay for Life" to support other cancer survivors and remember those who had passed on, Kathy was determined to participate again. And she did, with her husband, her adult children and grandchild and her sisters by her side. She has now had her last round of chemo and is doing surprisingly well.

I shouldn't say "surprisingly". Given the spirituality and joy with which she leads her life, I am not surprised at all. I am simply grateful...for her healing and for the times we have had together these past two months. It's too bad that it took a health challenge to remind me of the importance of spending time with friends. Now, the hour drive to her home seems so short and the time together so precious that I am committed to continue our adventures in friendship for many decades to come.

Is there an old friend in your life that you could like to connect with? Don't waste another minute. Pick up the phone now. If you don't have the phone number, go online and locate him or her today. No matter your age or stage in life, the value of old friends can never be underestimated.

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