Friday, October 17, 2008

Beliefs and behaviors

Beliefs and behaviors...are yours compatible? So much has been written these past couple of years about the power of beliefs. Yet, without behaviors to back up beliefs, ideas often remain in the realm of thought, not action.

For example, a person creates a belief such as "I am going to double my income this year." Every morning, s/he stands in front of a mirror and affirms this belief twenty times. Then, s/he goes off to work and doesn't do anything differently than s/he has been doing for the past year. How likely is it that income will increase?

In my experience, not very likely. Don't get me wrong - I am a firm believer in the power of beliefs but only as the first step in achieving goals. Once you have created a belief, such as doubling your income, and you affirm this belief regularly so that your mind is truly focused on doubling your income, you have done the first step to achieving your dreams. But it is only the first step.

What's next? Changing your behaviors to match that belief. For example, if last week, you made ten cold calls, then this week you would need to double that to twenty. If last month, you sold ten books or coached ten clients, then this month you need to double that to twenty. Then your new behaviors are in alignment with your new beliefs and you are on your way to achieving your goals.

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