Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Don't cut back; be creative

It seems as though everyone is worried about money these days and talking about "cutting back". This doesn't sound like fun, does it? I'd rather use the term "being creative". This gets my mind excited about ways to do things that can have the same result as "cutting back" - but things that enrich my spirit instead of making me feel deprived.

We just finished celebrating Columbus Day weekend and here, in New England, the weather was perfect for outdoor activities. I live in an area surrounded by farms and cranberry bogs, all of which seemed to have some kind of harvest festival this weekend. Fortunately for us, the one closest to us, where we go every year with our kids and grandkids, had the lowest price and the best activities. What's more fun than watching the young ones wander through a corn maze, sit on the pumpkins and crawl through hay bales, emerging with huge smiles?

These huge smiles emerged again when we came home and Grampy led the kids through a path in the forest behind our house to the "Bears' Hideaway". Imagine their surprise to find that the bears had left them candy kisses in the woods!

And imagine my surprise the next day when my husband and I went for a walk in a local bog and saw seven wild turkeys, two giant white swans - and a beautiful fox. He was too quick for a picture...but I love the picture of the unusual mushroom we encountered.

In the words of a popular ad, our creative holiday weekend was truly priceless!

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